Service Valet COVID-19 Communications

Due to the concerns of COVID-19, Valet Living wants to keep you informed of all we are doing and all you can do to ensure the safety of yourself, fellow associates and our communities, and reduce risks of cross-contamination.

To Law Enforcement and Government Regulators Requesting Safe Passage of Employees of Valet Living

Re:  Exemption of Valet Living as Essential Business/Critical Infrastructure Sector

Valet Living recognizes that authorities have ordered the restriction of certain work and travel because of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the associates of Valet Living are exempt from these orders because they provide critical waste removal, public sanitation services and are an essential business, a life sustaining business and are in a critical infrastructure sector as defined by the United States Office of Homeland Security. We request that you accord these associates safe passage in their fulfillment of these critical infrastructure duties and as they commute to and from work.
The Office of Homeland Security published written guidance to assist local governments in determining the critical infrastructure employees. That list describes employees who are considered critical infrastructure workers in “support to ensure the effective removal, storage, and disposal of residential and commercial solid waste and hazardous waste.”

Valet Living associates fit into a number of these categories. As such, associates of Valet Living are exempt from the governing order and may continue their critical logistics operations for trash removal and public sanitation. 

Should you have any questions or concerns, you may contact Valet Living at [email protected] or call 877-574-2587.


Mike Jacobs,
Chief Operating Officer


The Valet Living Doorstep

amenity service provides sanitation removal services to residents at multifamily apartment communities. Our part-time trash collectors go door-to-door and collect trash and recycling within a local apartment community and transfer the waste and recycling to the compactor or dumpster on-site via their personal or company trucks.


Government Action Tracker:

Valet Living is working diligently on tracking and reviewing government actions taken throughout the country in response to COVID-19. In conducting this review, we have partnered with reputable national law-firms to ensure proper continuation of our services under the government orders being issued. At this point, we can continue our operations following our strict safety precautions based on (among several reasons) the fact that our services ensure the effective removal, transportation and disposal of residential solid waste, increasing sanitation and safety in the communities and to the residents we service.

For your general reference only, we are providing you with a report issued by one of our partner law firms summarizing the government coronavirus response actions (with updates through the date of the tracker, identified below).  This 50-state (and city/county) survey provides information on shelter-at-home, business closure, and similar orders issued by state, county and local officials. Please note that this summary is not exhaustive and is being provided for general informational purposes only.  Further, the information provided in this summary does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice. Should you have any questions or concerns, you may contact Valet Living at [email protected] or 877-574-2587.

Click to Review State and Local COVID-19 Orders  (as of 04/03/20)

For more information:

Questions or concerns? Email [email protected] or call your District Manager

“Thanks for continuing to provide this service as I consider you a team on the front lines.”

Deja P., Resident

“I am so thankful my community has Valet Living! My company, like many others, has transitioned to being full-time work from home, and Valet Living’s services are invaluable during this time. Thank you to their team members who are helping keep us all safe!”

Andrea C., Resident

“I would like to say thank you for your good service and for being so helpful to so many folks every day. I know it may seem like a silly thing to say, but THANK YOU for helping and in these awful, stressful times, to let us know that we can depend on you all for consistency during this period means more than you can realize. God bless you!”

Andra & Adrian O., Residents

“What a great company you have! My residents and I love the service, thank you and especially you collections team for continuing to serve us.”

Carla N., Property Manager

“I love the way Valet Living is taking my safety so seriously. The cleaner took the time to explain all of the extra steps they are taking, using gloves, the extra cleaning stuff they are using and more. Kudos.”

Lan S., Resident

“My Valet is still taking my trash from my door every evening so I don’t have to worry about it. Even with everything going on! How awesome is that?”

Marianne M., Resident

“I work in the medical field and with everything going on with COVID, I am working even more. I was worried with businesses shutting down I would have trouble boarding or taking care of my dog Roscoe. Fortunately I learned Valet Living offered pet walking RIGHT IN MY APARTMENT! EVEN DURING THE PANDEMIC! They come and feed and walk him twice a day. With Valet Living taking care of Roscoe - I can take care of everyone else.”

Lynne T., Resident

“Great company providing a great service that is so important right now.”

Debra S., Property Manager

“While some people are not yet taking this outbreak seriously, I am glad to see that some are. My trash valet is still picking up everyone’s trash, helping with social distancing.”

Chip M., Resident