To Law Enforcement and Government Regulators Requesting Safe Passage of Employees of Valet Living
Re: Exemption of Valet Living as Essential Business/Critical Infrastructure Sector
Valet Living recognizes that authorities have ordered the restriction of certain work and travel because of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the associates of Valet Living are exempt from these orders because they provide critical waste removal, public sanitation services and are an essential business, a life sustaining business and are in a critical infrastructure sector as defined by the United States Office of Homeland Security. We request that you accord these associates safe passage in their fulfillment of these critical infrastructure duties and as they commute to and from work.
The Office of Homeland Security published written guidance to assist local governments in determining the critical infrastructure employees. That list describes employees who are considered critical infrastructure workers in “support to ensure the effective removal, storage, and disposal of residential and commercial solid waste and hazardous waste.”
Valet Living associates fit into a number of these categories. As such, associates of Valet Living are exempt from the governing order and may continue their critical logistics operations for trash removal and public sanitation.
Should you have any questions or concerns, you may contact Valet Living at [email protected] or call 877-574-2587.
Mike Jacobs,
Chief Operating Officer